Night Shifts
By Admin - 04 Jul 2020 494 0

Once the BPO culture evolved, the night shifts became so trendy. So many brains got tuned to work only at night rather than morning. People don't understand whom they are working and what they are working. If you are working for INDIAN customers, why do you work at night? Sleep the entire day without supporting them, while missing the wonderful opportunities in life in the morning hours. When this sleep ceases those opportunities.
One day all of us are going to sleep permanently, till that day stay awake and be active. BPO people are supposed to be awake during night to support their customers who are at Overseas as they dont have any other choice. But business people are the dream chasers, who have higher visions. Rather than money definitely they will have a time chart. In life they never practiced to live an unethical life. If you are not a dreamer, even if god comes you could not grow in life.
Is it enough to be busy? the question is: what are we busy about ? Because, we have to focus on being productive, rather than being busy..
Even the birds, small insects and animals wake up early in the morning with beautiful dreams to start the day and go on with their hunt. Usually from childhood we have practiced to sleep at night and be awake in the morning. When we move on to work, sometimes it may become unstoppable to work at night due to work pressure. But when the mind and body practices that whole system to work only at night not in day then the problem is in mind, may be its corrupted.
If you are a business guy spoiling the day by sleeping by morning and working after night how the business can grow and how to chase the company vision, if the driver is not active, then the passengers destination will be at the cemetery. Am not a person against night work, it depends on the jobs but weekly once or twice is manageable but it's practiced to make the whole life become miserable.
The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same; it all depends on the path we take.
For argument, people can tell a story during night no phone calls or any disturbances to work, my question because of this what they have earned is zero money and countless health issues. A good worker will never give reasons for day and night. Any time any situation they will try to find a solution instead of finding reasons. Missing the beautiful time with family, friends, learning time, collaborative working, knowledge sharing, group lunch, calls, meetings, simple hello, lot of things can change in personal life and working environment. Some of the major health issues like Hormone Imbalances, Weight Gain, Digestive Disorders, Depressions, Anxiety, Chronic Fatigue, Effect of mental performance, Blood Sugar Imbalance.
In a life, if people have their ego set that they are the one that knows everything and can do anything will never grow in life. They will even stop the growth of others as well without their knowledge. Even if working at night for 12 hours max and sleeping for 12 hours then when will they have time to learn and love. There will be a day when such people turn back in life, two things they will see one is sleeping bed and a stupid machine. Both will become useless.
When we leave this world, we have to leave the best moments and memories not the money, fame, ego, attitudes, a crooked mind.
A simple HELLO, could LEAD to a million things in the morning.
நல்ல பொழுதையெல்லாம் தூங்கிக் கழிப்பவர்கள்
நாட்டைக் கெடுத்ததுடன் தானும்கெட்டார் -
சிலர்அல்லும் பகலும் தெருக் கல்லாய் இருந்து விட்டு
அதிர்ஷ்டம் இல்லை என்று அலட்டிக்கொண்டார்
விழித்துக் கொண்டோரெல்லாம் பிழைத்துக் கொண்டார்
உன்போல் குறட்டைவிட்டோரெல்லாம் கோட்டைவிட்டார்
நாட்டைக் கெடுத்ததுடன் தானும்கெட்டார் -
சிலர்அல்லும் பகலும் தெருக் கல்லாய் இருந்து விட்டு
அதிர்ஷ்டம் இல்லை என்று அலட்டிக்கொண்டார்
விழித்துக் கொண்டோரெல்லாம் பிழைத்துக் கொண்டார்
உன்போல் குறட்டைவிட்டோரெல்லாம் கோட்டைவிட்டார்
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